Hi and welcome back to Attentionology for K – 5 Teachers!
Most communities around the world draw cheering crowds to local sporting events.
Elementary school students may or may not play in youth leagues, but most kids enjoy cheering for a favorite team.
Encourage kids to cheer on…
not just at a game or by watching a sports event on a screen…
Engage kids in school with three cheers for healthy living!
When you catch kids’ attention with fun fast cheers you focus their attention on the importance of health-smart strategies such as eating well, getting enough sleep, etc.
Start the Day in a Healthy Way – As part of your early morning routine, bring the class together with a quick cheer that supports healthy living with three hip hips and hoorays.
Hip, hip, hooray, Hip, hip hooray, Hip hip, hooray,
It’s a healthy living day!
If time permits, ask kids to raise their hands if they had a good breakfast that morning. (Be sensitive, of course, to the living conditions of the children
you teach. These will dictate the best ways for you to encourage healthy living in your community. Likewise, adjust your cheers to suit your language.)
Three Cheers for Healthy Living and Poetry – Lead the class in a quick healthy living cheer as part of a language arts lesson. How?
Announce that you have a short rhyme in the form of a cheer. Say it aloud. Then ask the class to cheer with you.
2 – 4 – 6 – 8
Who thinks vegetables are great?
We do! We do!
Use numbers to turn easy rhymes into cheers.
Substitute words to focus attention on different nutritious foods and healthy living practices. For example, change the cheer here to:
2 -4 – 6 – 8
Who thinks eating fruits is great?
We do! We Do!
How else can you share three cheers for healthy living? (more…)