Help Kids Discover What’s Great About Themselves

What's Great About You! by Janet Bauer helps children discover how great they are.

What’s Great About You! For All Children in the World by Janet Bauer helps children discover how great they are.

Janet Bauer has every reason to celebrate. Her new book, What’s Great About You! For All Children in the World, was recently published. Janet is Program Manager of I’m a Great Child Worldwide.
In a recent interview on TV, Janet described the purpose of the book this way: “to help expand I’m a Great Child Worldwide’s reach to empower more children around the world.”
What better way to expand! The book is available from Amazon and all major online book retailers. All proceeds from sales of the book will benefit the program, a fiscally sponsored project of United Charitable Programs, a 501(c)(3) public charity.
What’s Great About You! For All Children in the World features ideas and activities from Janet’s program that children ages 6 – 17 can easily understand and use alone, or with the guidance of adults in school or at home. The book also includes stories written by children in Africa who changed their lives after using this program.
Janet’s track record is impressive, and by no means limited to one continent. As she explains,“This program has been taught to thousands in 5 countries in 7 languages to enhance the natural strengths and confidence of children, who then change their lives on their own initiative.”
Janet’s program reaches adults who in turn reach children. “I’m a Great Child Worldwide provides training for teachers, parents, and other adults who are influential in the lives of youth, and training for those who will further spread these methods,” she adds.
Children who have participated in the program tell the story of Janet’s program’s success best. Read a sampling…
A 12-year-old boy in Africa said, “I am a very shy child. But after this class, I am 92% confident!” 
A 11-year-old girl in Africa described her experience with these words, “I used to skip school. When I joined the program, it gave me all the reasons to stay in school. I became a leader and school prefect.”
Janet’s book is born of …her own experience as a child, her love of helping students boost their confidence and self-esteem, and a dedication to outreach for her program and book that is as wide as

Janet Bauer, Program Manager, I'm A Great Child Worldwide℠ and author of What's Great About You! For All Children in the World

Janet Bauer, Program Manager, I’m A Great Child Worldwide℠ and author of What’s Great About You! For All Children in the World

the world itself.

Janet knows that children learn what they live. She’s proof positive that when a child’s life is empty of security, love and nurturing, as Janet’s was when she was at home and in school, that child will struggle to blossom into the beautiful flower they can become.

Janet grew up as an only child in New Jersey, near New York City (US), with an alcoholic father and a verbally abusive mother. School was no haven either. Janet remembers her teachers as yelling and uncaring.  Feeling unloved, Janet would often cry and then become the target of bullies. The seed of I’m A Great Child Worldwide℠ was planted, but it would be years before Janet would even realize what she was meant to do with her life.

You can read more about Janet’s journey on her website: I’m a Great Child Worldwide.

Heads up teachers: Janet’s website also includes a book page that shows how What’s Great About You! For All Children in the World connects with standard curricula in subjects ranging from Language Arts/English to Math.

Janet and the teachers she has helped to train have enabled children that live in areas touched by poverty – including in the US, South Africa, Botswana, Kenya and Haiti – to “free” themselves with new confidence and self-esteem derived from participation in her program, and now through her book, What’s Great About You! For All Children in the World.

Imagine children in every corner of the world, and in every language, expressing their personal discovery with these four powerful words, I’m a great child! (English) Mimi nina mtoto kubwa! (Swahili) Ek is ‘n groot kind! (Afrikaans) Yo soy un gran niño! (Spanish) أنا طفل كبير! (Arabic) אני ילד גדול! (Hebrew) Ja sam veliki dete! (Bosnian) 我是一个伟大的孩子!(Chinese)

Like Janet, you may work with children who face challenges including poverty that can, without intervention, undermine their self-esteem, academic and personal success. Janet’s new book is for you, and for the children you reach!

Stop back by on Monday for Attentionology for K – 5 Teachers.

Talk with you again soon,

Barbara The Lovable Poet



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Posted in Mid-Week Focus
Barbara Cleary has been serving as a resource to hundreds of educators for more than 25 years. An award-winning writer, producer, teacher, and trainer, Barbara’s focus is on offering easy, fun tools and tricks that support K-5 curricula and assist teachers with classroom management.
Quick tips for common classroom conundrums: K-5
Situation: Students are acting sluggish in class.

Solution: Show "The BIG E," for ENERGY, an enlarged letter E (or other first letter for the word energy in your alphabet), available in craft stores. Remind the class that energy is a must-have item to get good work done. Tell the class to show you "The BIG E!"

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